Saturday 16 July 2011


Okay, so im very openly a gamer. I often cite this as my main hobby too. Naturally, a lot of my friends happen to be gamers and i can say with ease that im caught up in this mindless turf war that is PC vs Console gaming. I don't support either of these sides any more than neutrally and will continue never to do so, simply because it is

a) A serious waste of my time (not that im really using any of it too productively, considering im a gamer)
b) Below me, actually. I feel games are a form of art, much like movies and music. In a similar fashion, the media distribution, too differs. Saying that I support a particular console over any other would be like saying that I am better than everyone else simply because i watch all my movies on Blu-Ray instead of buying DVDs or going to the theater. It is simply a matter of preference.
c) I hate conforming to the pseudo-political notions created by large profit maximizing corporations as it makes me feel like I have lost all nano ounces of individuality that I actually happen possess. Plus, it makes me feel like an idiot

With that vituperative explosion out of the way, I shall proceed to my moot point. A few months ago, I purchased a PS3 System, simply to enjoy a few of the choice exclusive titles available for it. A friend of mine, however, was not much enthused by this decision and confronted me with one of those silly memes that grace the idiot populace of the internet from time to time:

        I own both a good Desktop computer and, of course my newly acquired console. However, for some reason, neither was I given a satin laced invite to the "Citadel of The Masters" (As i imagine it would be called) on purchase of my computer, and was neither unceremoniously nor dramatically banished into the realms of darkness for purchasing my console. I was instead of the opinion that this was one iteration of the multifaceted rebellion that PC owners garnered towards game developers for the growing trend towards producing games exclusively for consoles. Im not anyone to judge here and will not pretend to be, so I shall leave the issue here
        Of course, I am also a year into my undergraduate course, my subjects being Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. I practically have that stuff oozing out of every imaginable aperture, considering that the examinations are next week. However, here is some spite for the man that claimed that pure math was never of much use to anyone:

Firstly, I am going to assume the validity of the meme, and say with a bottle of salt, that PC gamers are far more intellectually worthy that Console gamers.

Let us assume that the average console gamer garners a ficticious amount of 'x' worth-points on a perfectly correlated scale between the two. Let us further assume that PC gamers are a direct multiple times more worthy than console gamers, say 1000x

Now, I own both a PC and a console, so it is sufficient to draw the following conclusions:

My Worth: 1000x + x = 1001x > 1000x (x > 1)
God is probably cited as worth more than any man (no religious spite or reference intended here)
Since I am better than any PC gamer,

I hence postulate that I am god

As my first duty as god, I hereby declare this war null and void

Here is a picture of me as god, for those of you that don't believe it:


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